Be sure to scroll down to see the video clip we made so that family members in other states could see that we were carrying on the time-honored tradition of the Bowers Pig Fest.
Sa's Broccoli Casserole #1 - Pendy
Sa's Broccoli Casserole #2 - Cynthia
Squash Casserole - Cynthia
Grape Salad - Pendy
Fresh Cranberry Sauce - Pendy
Sister Shuberts - Sa
Thanksgiving Birthday Caramel Cake - brought by Sa, named by Scott
Pumpkin Pie with "Homemade Cool Whip" - Kate
Food Documentary 2008
In my excitement over the sweet potato casserole, I got carried away and referred to Kate's pumpkin pie as sweet potato pie. During its brief existance, it was indeed, pumpkin, and quite delicious.